Rainbow Moonstone Chips 1oz
Rainbow Moonstone Chips 1oz
Moonstone Properties & Meaning
The Roman Empire widely revered this gem for over two thousand years. In ancient India, Moonstone was often given as a wedding gift, as it was considered sacred. Moreover, this gem is associated with prosperity, abundance, love, and fertility. It also represents the sacred energy of the moon and has been used for centuries as a protective amulet, especially while traveling. That’s why it’s also known as the “Traveler’s Stone,” as it is believed to protect travelers during their journeys and attract positive experiences. Since Moonstone contains a very powerful yin (feminine) energy, it promotes spiritual growth and increases your connection with the Universe. Representing the power of Divine femininity, this colorful crystal is associated with emotions, feelings, the unknown,and dreams. It’s also deeply connected with mysticism, the moon, magic, the occult, and spirituality.