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Spiritual Landing

Amethyst Pendulum Rough

Amethyst Pendulum Rough

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Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth. Defined as objects attached at the end of a string or metal chain, when suspended from a stationary position, a pendulum will swing back and forth or in a circular motion. 

They are used as a form of reflection by asking questions to receive guidance, awareness, and understanding.


Balancing one's chakras is also possible with pendulums, as pendulums tend to pick up on subtle vibrations to clear the body and balance mind, body, and spirit.

Thus, pendulum objects can help relieve forms of pain whether emotional or physical. To this end, it's important when using a crystal pendulum to choose a method of cleansing or clearing crystalprior to the divination session, whether it be for healing or dowsing for answers.

How to Use a Pendulum

Holistic healers use a pendulum for measuring energy fields or as a dowsing tool for divination purposes.

  • Choosing a Pendulum: It is important to allow a pendulum to choose you, rather than the other way around. Choosing a pendulum in person is the best way to realize which one catches the eye.
  • Touching it and feeling a temperature change or a subtle vibration may mean it is the lucky one. If the way it looks and feels seems right, then it's the one.
  • Cleansing the Pendulum: Cleansing the pendulum can be done by holding it under running cold tap water, soaking it in sea salt, or setting a mental intention to free it of possible picked up energies. After cleansing the pendulum, carry it around with you to see how it feels.
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